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Christ as Priest, Prophet, & King | The Work of Christ and Salvation
As taught by Zach Thompson. In this equipping time lesson, we learn that Christ is the true and better Adam who fulfills the offices of...

Obstacles to God's Good Word | Psalm 119:33-40
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "What obstacles stand before you and engaging God's good Word?" 1) Obstacle #1: Selfish Ambition 2)...

Resurrection & Ascension | The Work of Christ and Salvation
As taught by Zach Thompson. In this equipping time lesson, we learn the implications of Christ's resurrection and ascension. Resurrection...

God's Good Word & Your Heart | Psalm 119:25-32
As preached by Timothy O'Day. God uses his good Word to... 1) Explain your heart (25-26). 2) Direct your heart (27). 3) Sustain your...

The Atonement | The Work of Christ and Salvation
As taught by Timothy O'Day. In this equipping time lesson, we learn why Jesus had to die. The Atonement February 18, 2024 Lesson 3 of...

Our Need Before the King | Matthew 19-20
As preached by Zach Thompson. "Is God big or are people big?" When God is ruling our life, we will: 1) Pursue obedience from the heart...

The Person of Christ | The Work of Christ and Salvation
As taught by Timothy O'Day. In this equipping time lesson, we learn that Jesus can do what he does because he is who he is. The...

While We Wait | Genesis 46:28-50:26
As preached by Timothy O'Day. While we wait... 1) God protects His people. 2) God provides through His people. 3) God prepares His...

The Work of Christ and Salvation | An Intro to Theology
As taught by Zach Thompson. In this equipping time lesson, we learn what theology is and why and how we do it. Slideshow:...

The Lord's Loving Discipline | Genesis 42:1-46:27
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "We don't need to copy Joseph's process; we need to trust God's providence." In tests and trials... 1) The...

Forsaken for Us | Genesis 39:1-41:57
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "Although they may feel forsaken, they are not abandoned." God is with his servant in his... 1) trials and...

Where Your Treasure Is | Matthew 17-18
As preached by Zach Thompson. "What we attain too cheap, we esteem too lightly." 1) Treat Christ as the beloved Son of God who saves you....

A Picture & Invitation to Salvation | Genesis 37:2-38:30
As preached by Timothy O'Day. "God works in unexpected ways because his thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways." 1)...

Set Your Eyes on the Mercy of God | Genesis 33:18-37:1
As preached by Timothy O'Day. 1) The Lord is merciful to his people when they are slow. 2) The Lord is merciful to his people when they...

The Glory of Humiliation | Genesis 28:10-33:17
Genesis 28:10-33:17 as preached by Timothy O'Day. Some of you may find this hard to believe, but there was once a time that someone would...

He Cares | Matthew 14-16
As preached by Zach Thompson. "In His grace, God will cut off sin from us, sometimes painfully." Jesus is filled with power and...

Salvation Amid Sin and Sabotage | Genesis 25:19-28:9
As preached by Timothy O'Day. God will bring about his promise of salvation: 1) By His mercy and pleasure. 2) Through a faithful covenant...

Be Doers of the Word | Practical Theology
As taught by Timothy O'Day. In this equipping time lesson, we learn that applying the Word is essential to understanding meaning....

Ordering Affairs by God's Promises | Genesis 23:1-25:18
As preached by Timothy O'Day. 1) Invest your life in God’s covenant promises. 2) Trust God’s providence to deliver his covenant promises....

Systematic Theology | Biblical Hermeneutics
As taught by Zach Thompson. In this equipping time lesson, we learn about what systematic theology is and how we can use it. Manuscript:...
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