What Does It Mean to be Blessed? | Psalm 32
What is Sin? | The Doctrine of Man, Sin, and the Person of Christ
God is Our Refuge | Psalm 31
Created Male and Female | The Doctrine of Man, Sin, and the Person of Christ
Who is Like Our God? | Micah 1-7
Making It to the End Together By Confession Fueled Prayer | James 5:13-20
Living in Light of the End | James 5:7-12
The Fleeting Pleasure of Earthly Treasure and the Eternal Joy of Christ | James 5:1-6
Salvation Belongs to the Lord | Jonah 1-4
Presumption, the Child of Pride | James 4:11-17
Worldly Drift and the Pull of God's Grace | James 4:1-10
Wisdom from Above | James 3:13-18
The Power of Words | James 3:1-12
Hospitality and Discipleship | Discipleship and the Church
The Faith that Justifies | James 2:14-26
The Vengeance of God / Obadiah 1-21
Discipleship Through Church Membership / Discipleship and the Church
The Worldly Practice of Partiality / James 2:1-13
Hearers and Doers / James 1:19-27
The Role of Serving in Discipleship / Discipleship and the Church