Living With the End in Mind | Psalm 49
Zion, the City of Our God | Psalm 48
The Role of a Peacemaker | Philemon 8-25
The Bible is the Counselor's Sufficient Tool | Counseling in the Church
Peace Among the Saints | Philemon 1-7
Why Counselors Need the Bible | Counseling in the Church
The Glorious Duty of Praise | Psalm 47
Counseling (And Why You Need to Prepare for It) | Counseling in the Church
God is Our Fortress | Psalm 46
Your Throne, O God, Is Forever | Psalm 45
Faithful Suffering in Redemption | Psalm 44
Wisdom and Women | Proverbs 10-31
Wisdom and Wealth | Proverbs 10-31
Wisdom and Work | Proverbs 10-31
Why Are You Cast Down, O My Soul? | Psalms 42-43
Wisdom and Words | Proverbs 10-31
Will You Choose Wisdom or Folly? | Proverbs 9
Wisdom Says, “Follow Me!” | Proverbs 8
Speak to God | Psalm 41
Wisdom Says, “Look Out!” | Proverbs 5-7